


办公电话: 67616751








2001.09—2004.07 南开大学数学所理论物理室理论物理专业理学博士   2002.04­—2002.07 法国Tour大学凝聚态物理专业,访问学生

1998.09—2001.07 东北师范大学物理系理论物理专业理学硕士

1994.09—1998.07 东北师范大学物理系物理教育专业理学学士


2020.07—至今 北京航空航天大学物理学院物理系教授博士生导师

2007.06—2020.06 北京航空航天大学物理学院物理系副教授

2012.05—2013.06 美国犹他大学材料科学与工程系访问学者

2004.07—2007.06 北京航空航天大学物理学院物理系讲师
















[1] 钨晶界与位错沉积强度偏差因子的动力学蒙特卡洛计算,国家自然科学基金,负责人,2021-2024年。

[2] 钨表面氢及氢同位素聚集与起泡的动力学研究,国家自然科学基金,负责人,2017-2020年。

[3] 壁材料中氢氦行为模拟研究,科技部国家磁约束核聚变研究发展专项课题,负责人,2013-2017年。

[4] 钨\钼中氢泡形成临界特性的研究,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,负责人,2014年。

[5] 钼材料中氢行为及起泡微观机制的理论研究,国家自然科学基金,负责人,2011-2013年。

[6] 聚变堆环境下材料协同损伤作用的原初过程研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目,骨干,2022-2026年。

[7] 辐照微结构演化的动力学蒙特卡洛模拟,国家重点研发计划项目,骨干,2018-2023年。


1. K. Xu,S. Jin, Y.-H. Li, H.-B. zhou, H.-X. Xie, N. Gao, F. Gao, G.-H. Lu, Insight into the loop-punching mechanism for He bubble growth: The plastic deformation modes and their competition,Computational Materials Science,216, 111825 (2022).

2. B.-C. Li,S. Jin, B.-W. Xue, L.-Y. Liang,G.-H. Lu,Phase-field microstructure-based effective thermalconductivitycalculations in tungsten. Nuclear Fusion, 62, 076041 (2022).

3. L. Sun,S. Jin*, L.-M. Wang, J.-S. Yan, L.-G. Wang, G.-H. Lu, Effects of helium on critical hydrogen concentration for bubble formation in molybdenum,Journal of Nuclear Materials,545, 152735 (2021).

4. J. Chai,S. Jin, Z. Yu, H.-X. Xu, G.-H. Lu, Capture efficiency and bias from the defect dynamics near grain boundaries in BCC Fe using mesoscale simulations,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,93, 169-177 (2021).

5. J.-N. Hao,S. Jin, G.-H. Lu, H.-X. Xu, Migration energy barriers and diffusion anisotropy of point defects on tungsten surfaces,Computational Materials Science,184, 109893 (2020).

6. B.-C. Li,S. Jin*, K. Xu, J.-N. Hao, X.-L. Shu, Atomistic simulaitons of the interactions between the 1/2 <111>{110} edge dislocations and the intrinsic point defects in tungsten,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,459, 59-63 (2019).

7. C. Meng, J. Hao, K. Xu, L. Wang, X. Shu,S. Jin*, G.-H. Lu, Code development of kinetic Monte Carlo and its application on formation of hydrogen-vacancy clusters in tungsten,Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy,62,017111 (2019).

8. K. Xu, L.-L. Niu,S. Jin*, X. Shu, H. Xie, L. Wang, G.-H. Lu, Atomistic simulations of screw dislocations in bcc tungsten: From core structures and static properties to interaction with vacancies,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,393, 174-179 (2017).

9. S. Qin,S. Jin*, L. Niu, J. Hao, H. B. Zhou, G.-H. Lu, The effect of hydrogen on the recombination of Frenkel pair in tungsten: A theoretical insight,Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 60 (2017).

10. S.-Y. Qin,S. Jin*, Y.-H. Li, H.-B. Zhou, Y. Zhang, G.-H. Lu, First-principles study of Frenkel pair recombination in tungsten,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,393, 190-194 (2017).

11. S.-Y. Qin,S. Jin*, D.-R. Zou, L. Cheng, X.-L. Shu, Q. Hou, G.-H. Lu, The effect of inert gas pre-irradiation on the retention of deuterium in tungsten: A TMAP investigation combined with first-principles method,Fusion Engineering and Design,121, 342-347 (2017).

12. L. Sun,S. Jin*, G.-H. Lu, L. Wang*, High hydrogen retention in the sub-surfaces of tungsten plasma facing materials: A theoretical insight,Scripta Materialia, 122 (2016) 14-17.

13. S.-Y. Qin,S. Jin*, L. Sun, H.-B. Zhou, Y. Zhang, G.-H. Lu*, Hydrogen assisted vacancy formation in tungsten: A first-principles investigation,Journal of Nuclear Materials,465, 135 (2015).

14. L. Sun,S. Jin*, H.-B. Zhou, Y. Zhang, G.-H. Lu, Dissolution and diffusion of hydrogen in a molybdenum grain boundary: A first-principles investigation,Computational Materials Science,102, 243 (2015).

15. L. Sun,S. Jin, H.-B. Zhou, Y. Zhang, W.-Q. Zhang, Y. Ueda, H. T. Lee, G.-H. Lu, Critical concentration for hydrogen bubble formation in metals,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter,26, 395402 (2015).

16. D.-R. Zou,S. Jin*, K. Xu, G.-H. Lu, Z.-H. Zhao, L. Cheng, Y. Yuan, Simulation of the experiments on thermal desorption spectroscopy of hydrogen isotope in tungsten with the framework of rate theory,Acta Physica Sinica,64, 072801 (2015).

17. L. Sun,S. Jin*, X.-C. Li, Y. Zhang and G.-H. Lu, Hydrogen behaviors in molybdenum and tungsten and a generic vacancy trapping mechanism for H bubble formation,Journal of Nuclear Materials,434, 395 (2013).

18. Z. F. Wang,S. Jin, F. Liu,Spatially separated spin carriers in spin-semiconducting graphene nanoribbons,Physical Review Letters,111, 096803 (2013).

19. H.-B. Zhou,S. Jin, Y. Zhang, G.-H. Lu, F. Liu, Anisotropic strain enhanced hydrogen solubility in bcc metals: the independence on the sign of strain,Physical Review Letters,109, 135502 (2012).

20. S. Jin, Y.-L. Liu, H.-B. Zhou, Y. Zhang, G.-H. Lu*, First-principles investigation on the effect of carbon on hydrogen trapping in tungsten,Journalof Nuclear Materials,415, S709-S712(2011).