大阪大学核物理研究中心Atsushi Tamii 副教授将于周五上午来我院做学术报告
发布时间:2010-09-09   作者: 访问量:

应物理学院的邀请,大阪大学核物理研究中心Atsushi Tamii 副教授将于周五上午来我院做学术报告。欢迎各位老师和同学积极参加。

报告题目:High resolution studies of nuclear structure at RCNP




I will introduce recent high-resolution study of nuclear excited states at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University,especially for proton inelastic scattering measurements at very forward angles including zero degrees.

We have employed the K=400 RING cyclotron for accelerating a proton beam at 295 MeV, and a high resolution magnetic spectrometer Grand Raiden. Clean spectra have been obtained at zero degrees with a resolution of 17-30 keV in the excitation energy region of 5-25 MeV.

I will introduce the cyclotron facility of RCNP and discuss 1) strength distributions of isoscalar/isovector M1 states and quenching mechanism,and 2) E1/M1 strength distribution in 208Pb and pygmy dipole resonance.


In 1999, Tamii got PhD from Kyoto University.

In 1998, Tamii became a research associate of University of Tokyo

Since 2003, Tamii have been an associate professor of the RCNP.

Present Tamii's major subject is on high-resolution spectroscopy of nuclear excited states using hadron scattering reactions on stable nuclei, especially using proton inelastic scattering at forward angles.