发布时间:2024-09-09   作者: 访问量:

Theory of Nuclear Fission

报告人: Dario Vretenar, University of Zagreb, Croatia

时间:2024年9月11日  10:00-12:00



The process of spontaneous or induced fission, by which an atomic nucleus breaks into two or more fragments, presents, more than eight decades after its discovery, a very interesting research topic in the field of low- and medium-energy nuclear physics. From a modern perspective, nuclear fission can be considered a representative example of large-amplitude collective motion in a self-bound mesoscopic system, that exhibits both classical and quantal characteristics.

A wealth of experimental results on nuclear fission have been accumulated, and a basic understanding of the mechanism gained. Recently, significant advances in the microscopic description of various aspects of the fission process have been reported. These include studies of nuclear shell effects on fission observables, dynamical pairing correlations, symmetry restoration, fission in odd-mass nuclei, the energy dissipation mechanism and total kinetic energy distribution, neck dynamics, properties of fragments beyond scission, and generation of fragment angular momentum.  

About the Speaker:

Prof. Dario Vretenar, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. Dario Vretenar researches in theoretical physics at the University of Zagreb and Head of the Nuclear Theory group.

He has held postdoctoral and visiting research positions at the University of Bologna, Yale University, Technical University Munich, University of Tokyo, Peking University, and IPN Orsay. Vretenar’s research interests include nuclear energy density functionals, low-energy nuclear effective field theory, nuclear weak interactions and astrophysical applications, algebraic structure models, and fission dynamics. Among his principal contributions is the development of algebraic models for high-spin physics, applications of relativistic energy density functionals to exotic nuclear structure and weak interaction processes, prediction of novel modes of collective excitations in nuclei far from stability, description of quantum shape phase transitions in nuclei, and the development of microscopic models for fission dynamics.


联系人:刘老师 010-61716757 ruiliu@buaa.edu.cn